Rhodomela confervoides (Hudson) P.C. Silva

Description: Cylindrical, cartilaginous, bushy, brownish red fronds, to 300 mm long. Much branched, repeatedly, irregularly. Branches clothed with small, pinnate branchlets and simple, pointed ramuli. In winter branchlets are shed and frond appears bare, spiky, very different from summer appearance. Central siphon surrounded by elongated cells with outer band of small coloured cells, articulations not visible.
Habitat: On rocks and shells, intertidal pools at all levels
Distribution: widely distributed, common.
Similar species: Rhodomela lycopodioides (Linnaeus) C. Agardh is a northern species common in Scotland, north England, north and west
Key characteristics: Dark brow, coarse, cartilaginous. Resembles a coarser Polysiphonia.

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