Hypoglossum hypoglossoides (Stackhouse) F.S.Collins & Hervey

Lomentaria clavellosa Also known as Hypoglossum woodwardii Kützing
Description: Membranous, rose-pink fronds, 20-200 (-300) mm long, arising from a discoid base. Frond linear-lanceolate, with well-marked midrib, and thin membranous, often undulate, margins, 1-5 (-8) mm wide, repeatedly branched irregularly from midrib. Fronds with pointed apices, margins without microscopic veins, monostromatic except in midribs.
Habitat: On rock and epiphytic, pools in the mid and lower intertidal, on rock at low water and subtidal to 30 m, most abundant in Laminaria hyperborea forests; widely distributed in Britain and Ireland north to Shetland.
Link: AlgaeBase

Photograph: bottom: East of the Skerries, Portrush, Co. Antrim, Ireland, with the anemone Sagartia elegans; August 2013 © Francis Bunker

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